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Book Recommendation: Read This First

I write these recommendations to encourage others to read. I do not intend to provide a critical review, 而是让我了解上帝通过我所阅读的作者教给我的东西. 当我看着书架上的书时,我想回忆起我在书中学到的至少一件事. 如果我能做到这一点,我认为阅读这本书是成功的. 我的愿望是让你有足够的兴趣来阅读这本书,这样你就可以和我一起学习和成长. Don’t take my word for it, read the book for yourself. But for now, here is what I learned.

For many in the church, reading the

Bible is a challenge. Reading the Bible seems nearly impossible. 当我们读圣经时,往往更多的是为了完成任务或浏览文本. 我们常常感到沮丧,因为我们发现生活中似乎没有什么适用的东西,而我们不理解的东西似乎太多了. 我们很快就被打败了,我们选择满足地生活在没有读圣经的内疚中,而不是在我们读圣经的尝试中再次经历失败.

要明白只有圣灵才能使我们明白圣经, 但圣灵也赐人恩赐,帮助我们学习神的话. These are not means to understanding, 而是帮助我们进入神的话语的工具,在那里圣灵会给我们理解.

Gary Millar helps the common person grasp Bible reading. Do not be mistaken, 读圣经需要付出努力,需要有意识和持续的工作. If we wait for reading to “just happen,” we will never crack open its leather binding or open the app. If we are willing to put forth the effort and make the time, 那么米勒的书确实是一个“先读”开始冒险的好东西.

他使阅读圣经变得容易理解,并为我们读者提供了很好的例证和例子来实践他的教导. 他的许多章节提供了圣经中的插图来证明他所教导的观点. 在大多数章节的最后,他给出了一两个例子,让我们自己去理解. 这些将是与个人一起工作的伟大工具.

在第一章中,米勒向我们提出了阅读圣经的重要性. 大多数基督徒其实不需要相信这个事实. 然而,作者确实给出了一些令人信服的想法,需要阅读. 这样做更像是邀请你去探索一些特别或有趣的东西. He does not drive us to Scripture, 而是优美地陈述了上帝在圣经中对我们说话, so why would we not want to listen.

Chapter 2 instructs us how to read the Bible. It is a unique book, 所以如果我们试着把它当作最新的畅销小说来读, like social media, or like a text book, we will be disappointed and discouraged. We need to learn “how” to read the Bible. 这一章的一大主题是我们需要继续阅读. Do not quit when it gets a bit challenging. Keep training that reading muscle!

第三章开始向我们介绍,我们要从圣经中寻找什么,才能明白圣经在说什么. 我们常常把圣经当成是在我们生活的世界里对我们说话. The Bible does apply across all decades and time periods, 但我们必须首先学会辨别米勒所说的我们正在阅读的文章的“氛围”. The vibe is the tone or the feel of the passage. The Bible has different genres. 米勒简单地指出了圣经的主要体裁,以及它们出现的地方. Each genre is read and studied differently. This is one of the most significant chapters of the whole book. It helps us to understand what we are reading.

第四章帮助我们开始理解所读内容的意义. We do not just get to make up the meaning of Scripture. 我们不能为了换取“它对我的意义”而忽视它的真正意义.一些简单的工具和插图将帮助我们找到一段话的基本意思.

Chapter 5 instructs us how to figure out the context. Until we get the context of the passage right, we will struggle with right understanding and application. Reading the Bible at this level becomes even more compelling. We begin to “get it.” We want more! In addition to greater joy and depth in our reading, 我们将以完全不同的耳朵和理解来聆听讲道和教导.

第6章帮助我们记住,圣经首先不是澳门葡京网址官网的. It is first about God and what He is doing. However, God does speak to us. We learn about Him as we read the Bible. As we learn about Him, we are changed from within. Search the Scripture for what God is doing.

Chapter 7 is a great review of the book. It concisely presents how to read the Bible.

We do not need degrees to understand the Bible. We need to trust the Spirit and get into the Scripture. 制定一个阅读圣经的计划,并使用加里·米勒在这本简短的书中指出的工具. Start small. 我鼓励我们每周选择一天,花一些额外的时间来研读一节经文或一章经文. 在学习当天应用这些工具,并在学习过程中做一些笔记. 在接下来的一周左右,用更短的时间来完成这篇文章. 这个缓慢的过程有利于让神的话深入我们的内心. 它看起来可能是这样的:(总是以祷告的精神和对圣灵的依赖来阅读经文)

Saturday: 30-60 minutes in John 1:1-14 -通过学习获得文章的整体氛围,识别关键词、陈述、事件、人物等., 为那些第一次阅读的人写下你最初的想法, identify the context (who is it written to, why is it written), and then what is God saying or what is it saying about God.

Sunday: 15 minutes – re-read the section, 看看你在辨别氛围时是否漏掉了什么

周一:15分钟——重读并询问关键词、思想、人物等如何. 验证氛围并开始理解这篇文章

Tuesday: 15 minutes – praying through the passage. What would you thank God for, pray for yourself from the passage, or pray for others from the passage?



Friday: 15 minutes – re-read the section. 神在你生命中启示了什么是你需要改变的(态度或行动)?? 神用什么来鼓励你继续(态度或行动)??


Author: Gary Millar

Copyright: 2021

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